Happy Halloween! Whether you love this "holiday" or not, hopefully you can spend some time outside in the beautiful fall weather or enjoy a football game and fall activities and/or share the afternoon with loved ones. Autumn is quickly leaving us, so enjoy it while it is here! Personally, Jonathan and I are spending our first Halloween as newlyweds by carving pumpkins with friends and passing out candy to cute little trick-or-treaters... if we don't eat the bowl of candy before 6pm ;)
And in lieu of this day, here is a little autumn treat for my readers... an engagement session :) Taylor and David are one of my fabulous 2011 couples. We were able to spend some time on her dad's property a couple weeks ago celebrating their love and enjoying the amazing fall colors. Along for the afternoon was their beautiful daughter, Annabelle - adding a little extra delight to the session!
Meet little miss Annabelle...