Monday, October 4, 2010

alyssa & josh {engaged!}

A couple weeks ago, Jonathan and I spent the evening walking around Ann Arbor, MI. Ann Arbor, as some of you may know is a beautiful little city in Southeast Michigan, home to the University of Michigan and by default... it is enemy territory. But, Josh is a UofM grad, and that's where they live... so it just made sense to do the session there :) We spent part of the session in the gorgeous arboretum, some time in the Law Quad, and then as the sun set, we finished in the Children's book section of the library. This elementary school teacher and social worker are perfect for each other and I can't wait for their West Michigan wedding in June!



Laura Webber said...

Hmm, I think the last pic is my favorite!

Christopher Webber said...

I agree with Laura. Books!!!