It was a beautiful October afternoon and it was with great anticipation that I drove to Holland, MI to meet Christine and her ladies as they prepared for the day. They were getting ready in style - Hair @
engedi salon and makeup @
Smooch Boutique, both on 8th street in downtown Holland. Christine was nervous, but looked ravishing and was so excited to see her fiance, Lars!
After hair & makeup, I headed over to the chapel with the ladies to finish getting ready and meet up with the boys for portraits. Lars & Christine chose to do a first look which is SO great. This allowed us to have more time for photos before the ceremony so we weren't pressed for time before the reception! Love it! The ceremony was held in Dimnent Chapel on the
Hope College campus and the reception was walking distance away at the
Holland Area Arts Council. Two great locations and a wonderful celebration for the new bride & groom!
Lars & Christine, thank-you so much for allowing me into this special day of your lives! I thoroughly enjoyed the day and it was so fun to photograph all the unique details! Enjoy the preview!

"Welcome to the navy, Christine!" ;-)
Details, details, details! I loved all the crafty, unique touches that Christine put on the day!
Christine (with the help of family and friends) folded almost 1,000 paper cranes to hang around the room

What a great venue for a wedding reception!

Yes, that's a sword to cut the cake!
Coming up next... Baby Megan!