Monday, September 21, 2009

kris & mandy: married!

A couple months ago, I spent a lovely afternoon in Grand Rapids with Mandy & Kris for their engagement session. Do you remember? We had such a blast wandering around the city and spending sometime in a secret location with sweet gardens... and with every picture I took, I became more and more excited about them and their love and getting to spend their wedding day with them!

They planned a beautiful outdoor wedding & reception in Fennville, MI at Apple Blossom Chapel and Gardens... with an intimate gathering of family and friends. However, the weather, once again, was threatening rain that weekend. When the time came for the ceremony... the clouds hadn't let loose yet, so they decided to move forward with the plans, hoping the rain would hold off until they could party under the tent! The rain held off for most of the ceremony... and everyone was in great spirits all evening!

I was so glad I could be apart of their day! Kris & Mandy, thank-you so much for allowing me to capture your special moments of your wedding! I wish you two the best as you embark on this marriage journey together! Enjoy the preview!
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Love this shot of her sister buttoning up her dress!
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Mandy... you were a gorgeous bride, ok?

The groom, Kris... looking handsome!

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Mandy & her dad walking towards her groom.
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The sky was starting to spit...
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The clouds broke loose and it was the fastest pronouncement and recessional ever... *
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As the rain poured and Kris picked up his bride, it was as if time froze... just for a second.
They're married!
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The reception took place in a neighboring tent...
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The rain paused so we were able to get a few portraits during the reception...
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The three sisters... so fun!!
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Aww, yay! Thanks for a great evening, Mandy & Kris!
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*I'd like to take a moment to make a shout-out to my wonderful fiance - he grabbed an umbrella right as it started pouring during the ceremony and ran and covered me and the camera so I could continue shooting. He's the best!! :) I didn't even miss a beat during the recessional! Woohoo! Thanks, Jonathan!


Live to Roam said...

Jenn that photo of them kissing in the rain is AAAAAAAAAMAZING. I almost want it to pour on my wedding day now. Keep up the great work!

Veldman Photo said...

You are so great!!! Love it!

Unknown said...

Great photos - LOVE the one in the rain! I was going to ask if your camera got wet... lucky you had such a fast thinking assistant!